Category Archives: Around the World

SVRG reps in Ocean Beach

On our recent venture to San Diego, some of us KillaBytes headed to Ocean Beach to frolic in the sand (and seaweed). From left, Satan’s Kitten, Retox Fox, Bitch Puddin’, and Belle Wringer pose in front of the seaweed SVRG that Kitten and Belle sculpted in the sand. Afterwards, our art was viciously attacked by rabid seagulls, who later stalked us for our delicious Hodad’s burgers. Yeah, I’d like to see you come after us on skates, mofos!


Filed under Around the World

SVRG Around the World: Razor at Burning Man

Razor on Art Car

KillaByte co-captain/Dot.Kamikaze Steffen Razor recently attended Burning Man, and she was happy to represent SVRG while she was there. She brought these great pictures back to show she was thinking about us! Above, Razor hitches a ride on an art car. Below, Razor in front of an unignited Burning Man.

Razor with (Pre-)Burning Man

Razor with (Pre-)Burning Man

Are you going on vacation somewhere cool? Pack your SVRG gear! We’re going to have a new feature here on the blog, SVRG Around the World. We’re soliciting pictures from our friends and fans of people representing SVRG at different places around the world. Put on your SVRG wear and get a picture in front of a landmark or great scenery, and send it to me, retoxfox, with a gmail and .com after that.

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Filed under Around the World, SVRG Skaters