Tag Archives: Recruitment

Derby 2.0: SVRG’s MicroChicks Defeat the Fallin’ Angels

Derby 2.0 and Fallin’ Angels, Photo by Adrienne O’Keefe

MicroChicks and Fallin’ Angels, Photo by Adrienne O’Keefe

What a game! The final score was 99-89 in favor of Silicon Valley’s MicroChicks in the March 11th bout against Resurrection Roller Girls’ Fallin’ Angels in Rohnert Park, California. SVRG wants to thank our gracious hosts for a great time! To remember the event, the Resurrection team gave all of our girls dog tags stamped with both team names.

Unleasha Moore (one of the Derby 2.0 coaches) reported, “The skaters did a fantastic job of working together and communicating in the pack. Plus the jammers killed it for sure! There were so many lead changes and all the girls who jammed gave it their all!” Derby 2.0 coaches Belle Wringer, Mongoose, and Unleasha Moore helped the team prepare for their victory and are looking forward to the rest of the season.

Interested in Joining Derby 2.0?

Derby 2.0, SVRG’s junior derby league, is for girls aged 7-17, and is divided into two teams. The MicroChicks (skaters aged 7-10) learn the basics of derby without hitting; blocking is strictly positional. The Web Bruisers (ages 11-17) engage in full-contact play once the coaches feel they’re ready. Skaters 18 and older can try out for the adult league. Derby 2.0 coach Unleasha Moore was the first skater to graduate from junior derby to roster for the KillaBytes and is happy to be mentoring her former teammates in her new role.

Derby 2.0 has grown since the first practice in June of 2010, to a full roster of 30 skaters. Many of the original girls are still skating with the league and hope to follow in Unleasha’s tracks.

If you’re interested in being a part of the present and future of derby, send us an email at juniorderby@svrollergirls.com.

2012 Bout Schedule
*subject to change

April 1: MicroChicks vs. Santa Cruz Saltwater Sassies (at San Jose Skate)
May 5: Web Bruisers vs. Seattle Derby Brats (at Roosevelt Park)
June 10: SVRG Derby 2.0 vs. SVRG Derby 2.0 (at San Jose Skate)
July 21: Double Header vs. San Fernando Valley (at Roosevelt Park)
Aug. 19: MicroChicks vs. TBD (at San Jose Skate)
Sept. 9: MicroChicks vs. Santa Cruz Saltwater Sassies (at Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium)
Oct. 21: SVRG Derby 2.0 vs. TBD (at San Jose Skate)
Nov. 11: Web Bruisers vs. Hollister Jr. Derby Girls (at San Jose Skate)

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Filed under Junior Derby

Derby 2.0 Is Recruiting Junior Derby Skaters

Do you know a girl between the ages of 7 and 17 who wants to play roller derby? Forward this flyer and have her contact Coach Chanasaw at juniorderby@svrollergirls.com.

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Filed under Junior Derby, Recruitment

SVRG’s last recruitment of the season!

Don't fear, Terribelle Demise's injuries were sustained off track. Thankfully, she has Kimfectious and Postal Servix to protect her.

Don't fear, Terribelle Demise's injuries were sustained off track. Thankfully, she has Kimfectious and Postal Servix to protect her.

Do you think you have the stuff to rock & block with the Silicon Valley Roller Girls? If so, follow these five easy steps!

1. Read this article on the blog about how to get started with roller derby so you know what you’re getting into.

2. For some FAQs about recruitment, click here.

3. Contact Texas ChanaSaw Massacre at recruitment@svrollergirls.com if you are interested.

4. Come watch a practice before October 28th (ChanaSaw will give you details.)

5. Come ready to skate on Wednesday, October 28th, and join us at the recruitment meeting Sunday, November 1.

Any additional questions, please contact ChanaSaw at recruitment@svrollergirls.com . Hope to see you on the rink soon!

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Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby

Roller Derby: How to Get Started

If you are just now thinking about joining a roller derby team, we know that a particular cute movie and the resultant media attention have probably drawn you here. Hey, that’s fine—we are expecting you, and that’s why I’ve assembled this handy list. In my other life, we have to provide people who participate in certain activities with what is known as informed consent. That is, we have to make sure people know what they’re getting into. So, I hope this can serve as a brief guide to help you a) determine whether roller derby is the sport for you; and, if you’re in, b) how to get started.

1. Ask yourself: “Why do I really want to play roller derby?”

If your answer is in anyway related to, “It looks like a great way for me to burn calories, just like Zumba/hula-hooping/(enter-latest-fitness-craze-here)!” or “OMG, I saw Whip It, and the costumes are so totally cute! I just have to have one!” or “All my local roller girls hang out at the bar and they look like the coolest chicks ever!” you might want to take a minute to check yourself before you, as according to the proverb, wreck yourself. If you know that you get sucked into a lot of cool ideas but get bored easily and quit, know that derby is a bit intense (time, labor, and cost-wise) to be your new favorite thing for only six weeks. If you’re attracted by the fashion, or the fishnets, or the bad-ass women, make sure you’re also attracted by the sweating, the aggression, and the competition, because, ladies, this is a sport.

2. Do some research.

The first thing to do is get the basics of the sport down. Check the glossary on this blog to get a handle on terms and how the game works. Next, look at fun stuff. Surf You Tube for clips. Visit the sites listed in the blogroll here, like Derby News Network, to get the sweet and lowdown on the roller derby world. Awesome, isn’t it? Now that you’re hooked…

Find your local roller derby league. A search for “roller derby” and your town, region, or state name is one way to get started. A lot of teams maintain websites as well as profiles on MySpace and Facebook. There are some resources, including the WFTDA website and the International Derby Roster, that can lead you to leagues, but in many towns there are brand spankin’ new startup leagues that may not even have a web presence yet. Try surfing craigslist.org for your area—a lot of teams post recruitment ads there.

If your web search is fruitless, ask around. Check your local alternative newsweekly or contact the sports or events editor at your local newspaper. Contact your local skating rink, skate park, or skate shops and see if anyone knows about one. Local music stores are also a good place to check. If you are still empty-handed, try contacting the closest roller derby leagues you *can* find and see if they know of any leagues closer to you.

3. Contact your local roller derby recruitment coordinator.

Leagues vary widely in their levels of skill and organization, and this will greatly affect their desire and willingness to recruit newbies of various skill levels (which, in the derby world, are known as “fresh meat.”) Some teams welcome skaters of all levels and are willing to work with you from your wobbly first steps onward; others demand a higher level of skill to start. Some teams provide a bootcamp to help you get your skills up to par; others expect you to walk into the rink ready to roll (and hit and block), or expect that you will work on your own time to catch up to the team. Some teams will make you try out immediately; others will encourage you to attend a bootcamp leading up to a tryout or skills test. Some teams will cut you from consideration if you don’t make it at tryouts; others may encourage you to keep working with the team until you can pass.

This is why you need to contact the league’s recruitment coordinator before launching any further plan of action. The recruitment coordinator will be able to answer all your questions about starting skill level, bootcamp availability, tryout dates, and longer-term questions about the team (like required practice hours, dues, and other commitments.) This may make or break your derby dreams, so you might as well inform yourself sooner rather than later.

4. Attend a bout.

As soon as possible, attend a bout. No matter what you have seen on a screen, you must witness derby firsthand to really understand the mechanics and what you are getting yourself into.

5. Skate. Skatey skate skate skate.

If the bout didn’t scare you off, it’s time to get on wheels. At this point, don’t worry if you don’t have your own skates—just rock the rentals and see how it feels. Skate whenever you have the opportunity, and don’t get bothered by the fact that you’re getting smoked by six-year-olds on the rink. At this point, you don’t have to worry about anything fancy—just get confident on your wheels. With time, try challenging yourself by skating faster, performing crossovers on the turns, or staying in thigh-burning derby position (crouched low, thighs parallel to the floor) for extended periods.

6. Ask yourself again: is this what you want to do? Do you have the time and heartspace in your life right now for derby?

Granted, when you first get into roller derby, things won’t be as demanding as this list indicates. Over time, however, this will change. I’ve provided this list so that you understand what your life might look like once you’ve joined a typical, DIY derby team, and also to provide you with a list of things you may not have considered about the nature of playing a sport like ours.


-I am willing to practice 2-4 times a week, in total anywhere from 5 to 15+ hours, depending on what my team requires.

-I am willing to spend extra time beyond that commitment working on my skills.

-Additionally, I have the time to perform community service, attend fundraisers and other appearances, work home bouts, and participate in other events as required by the team.

-I also have the time to perform duties for my team, such as joining a committee to organize events, helping maintain the website, finding sponsors, advertising and flyering for events, etc.

Your Health

-I understand that being fit for derby may mean making lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and other of life’s joys. I know that I may have to cut back or modify some really, really fun habits in order to perform better or adhere to a team policy (note that this comes from someone who skates as “Retox.”)

-I am aware that injuries are common in roller derby. (Please see our Hall of Pain if you have any questions.)

-I have sufficient medical insurance that will cover me in case of injury.

Your Finances

-I understand that derby is a costly sport to get into, and that even starter gear will cost a couple hundred dollars.

-I can budget for my monthly dues, travel costs to away games, new gear, gear maintenance, team jerseys, practice clothes, and totally cute socks and stockings.

-Were I to get injured in roller derby, I would have a way to cover my expenses and/or lost wages from missing work.

Your Personality

-I am aware that I don’t know everything. I can take criticism, and I am willing to learn.

-When I fail at something, I will try harder rather than give up.

-I can keep my attitude/temper/mouth in check, even when angry or frustrated.

-I work and play well with others. I understand that derby is a team sport, and that my individual actions affect the team as a whole.


-I have sympathetic and flexible friends, family, and a significant other/s who will understand how important derby is to me and tolerate it eating my life and free time.

-I understand that roller derby isn’t just a sport, it is a lifestyle.

– I am ready to act as a part of something greater than myself.

Get it? Got it? Good. If you’ve digested all that food for thought and are still saying, “Yes, I should be able to manage that,” try again. If you’re screaming, “HELL YES, BRING IT ON!!” then keep reading:

When you have committed yourself to trying roller derby…

7. Work out, eat right, and take care of your body.

Do you have to? Well, no. But, like any sport, your performance is compromised when you don’t. Life is about balance, though. I am a hedonist and am not about to tell someone never to eat a delicious bacon cheeseburger or down a fifth of Maker’s Mark ever again. Just think about being a little smarter with your decisions. Turn off the television and get the extra hour of sleep. Go with the side salad instead of the fries. Hit the gym instead of happy hour this week. Little things will get your whole body working better. Don’t be that person whining about how hard endurance skating is with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth. Duh.

8. Skate some more.

Keep pushing yourself to skate harder, faster, more. The more time you spend on skates the more natural it will feel. Consider taking a skate class at your local rink, where you can practice skills and techniques that will help you become a more efficient skater.

9. Gear up.

Depending on your situation, you may need to gear up before starting a bootcamp, or you may be able to get by on loaner equipment and rental skates for a while. As someone of very limited finances, it was this monetary sacrifice that almost made me give up trying roller derby. I finally sucked it up, sacrificed my alcohol budget for a month, and bought pads, socks, and a mouthguard. I was on rental skates for my first couple of months until one of the refs, Bronco, did me a huge favor and sold me a solid pair of skates for $20. They were a size and a half too big, but beggars can’t be choosers, and that’s what kept me skating for several months. It wasn’t until eight months after starting that I had saved enough money for my own pair of skates.

On the plus side, having waited for so long I had learned a lot about gear and got to try a lot of different things out. Rushing in and buying a bunch of stuff right off the bat is not only expensive, but sometimes you find that it isn’t what you really want. So, talk to other skaters on the team—can you borrow equipment? Can you try other things to figure out what you like? A lot of skate shops will also sell you fresh meat starter kits with cheaper pads and skates, knowing that those materials will get you by until you are ready to make a bigger investment.

10. Try out or start bootcamp!

Once you’ve spent all the time you can skating and working out, and you have the requisite equipment, it’s time to give it a shot. Don’t be intimidated by tryouts—the recruitment coordinator will tell you what to expect, and all you can do is your best. Remember, you’re out there with a bunch of like-minded girls who are also getting in to the sport for the first time, so relax, make some friends, and be prepared to learn…and HAVE SOME FUN!

P. S. If you are local and are interested in checking out the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, contact  recruitment@svrollergirls.com for details!

P. P. S. We get a lot of interest from ladies under the age of 18. UPDATE 6/10: We are starting our first junior derby camp this summer. Email juniorderby@svrollergirls.com for information.


Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby

SVRG is recruiting new skaters NOW!

Look what happy creatures we are! Roller derby is F-U-N!! Photo: Jim Cottingham.

Look what happy creatures we are! Roller derby is F-U-N!! Photo: Jim Cottingham.

Do YOU have what it takes to be a Silicon Valley Roller Girl??

Maybe you’ve seen us in a bout. Maybe you’ve been surfing around the web looking into this whole roller derby thing. Maybe you’ve just been reading this blog.

Well, now’s the time to test your mettle!

You don’t need your own skates. You don’t even need awesome skating skills. What you do need is a good attitude and the mental and physical toughness to take on the challenge of roller derby.

If you are interested in joining the league, we invite you to come and watch a practice at San Jose Skate. After observing a practice, you are welcome to come skate with us on Monday, June 22, 8 to 10 pm, and Wednesday, June 24, 8 to 10 pm. Please note if you choose to skate, there is a $10 drop-in fee that includes skate rental if you need it. You must bring safety gear (kneepads, elbow pads, wrist guards, helmet, and mouthguard) in order to skate. (You’ll need to buy your own mouthguard, which costs a couple of bucks, but if you don’t have equipment please let us know; we do have a couple of extra sets of pads.)

Once you have attended a practice, we will be holding a recruitment meeting on Sunday, June 28, at 8 pm in which we will explain the league and answer any questions you may have. You must bring a photocopy of your driver’s license and any current health insurance information to the recruitment meeting.

After attending the recruitment meeting, all new recruits will attend an 8 week bootcamp in which you will get the opportunity to learn all the skills required to skate according to WFTDA (Women’s Flat Track Derby Association.) This also enables new skaters to get the personal attention they need, no matter their skill level.

If you are interested in skating with us, we encourage you to come check it out and get information. There will only be one more recruitment session this calendar year, so if you are interested, don’t hesitate–DO IT NOW!!!

If you are interested, please contact our amazing recruitment coordinator, Juicy K. Tore, at juicy@svrollergirls.com .

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Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby

Skater of the Month: Juicy K. Tore

April Skater of the Month Juicy K. Tore

April Skater of the Month Juicy K. Tore

There’s a reason Juicy K. Tore was voted April Skater of the Month and Most Likely to Bleed Green & Black by her teammates: she eats, sleeps, and breathes SVRG! Her dedication to the team has led her to the natural position of head of Recruitment, where she solicits and trains fresh meat (new skaters) for SVRG. She is the perfect balance of sweet and tough: she’ll always greet you with a smile off skates, but if you’re up against her on the rink, be prepared to hit the floor.

Where did you get your name?

I’m pretty much a girly girl, so I was looking for a name that embodied that. I like shopping and fashion, and always matching at practice. It’s one of the brands I happen to love love love.

How did you get into roller derby?

I joined with Silicon Valley in July of 2007, so I’m coming up on 2 years. I was just looking for something to do. I have a little boy and he’s involved in sports—I’m the executive director of his football league, and he also plays lacrosse.So I was watching him run around and be really rough and active and I was looking for something similar for myself. Also I was new to the area and looking for a good group of friends, and roller derby encompassed both. I did a search online and Silicon Valley was just starting. I found SVRG on MySpace. I set up a MySpace account, contacted the league, came out for a practice, and have been here ever since.

What is your favorite bout memory?

My favorite bout was the Santa Cruz bout (last season). It was really exciting—one of our first games as a league. The venue was really big, and there was a line of people wrapped around the building. It was a high-intensity experience: there was a spotlight following you around when you were jamming, and the crowd was awesome. It was really hyped up, and the feeling I had during that game—I haven’t been able to duplicate it.

Do you have a favorite skating technique or move?

Just skate past bitches and knock them down, that’s my favorite thing to do!

Who are your biggest fans?

My son, Bailey, and my mom and dad—they come to all my games.

What do you do off skates?

Off the rink, I’m an aesthetician. I’m also the executive director for West Valley Pop Warner, which is youth football and cheer. Also, my son’s on the honor roll, so we do a lot of school activities. As for personal hobbies, I do glass blowing and glass fusing. I have a little studio in my garage and I do some metal smithing and jewelry making as well. Honestly, since I’ve been skating roller derby, glass has been second.

What do you like the most about SVRG?

The girls on the team, for sure. I’ve never been in such a large group of girls where everybody gets along and is supportive. If you need something, there’s always ten girls there to help. One of my favorite memories was from the Port City game, which I almost didn’t get to skate. I was scheduled to work and I couldn’t get anyone to take my shift, so I offered my co-workers $50 to cover for me. That morning, when the team found out I couldn’t skate, they started pooling their money together. I started getting text messages: “Make it $65!” “Make it $75!” Within an hour, they had gathered $640 to help me get my shift covered for the game. I’m really proud to be part of this team.

You’re head of Recruitment and work with the fresh meat. What advice would you give girls who are new to roller derby?

If it’s something you really want to do and it’s in your heart—that’s what we’re looking for. Skating skills are kind of secondary coming into the league. We want the girls here who are determined and put their hearts into it every day. Don’t give up, don’t quit, don’t stop skating: keep pushing yourself.

Juice in action

Juice in action

If you’re interested in skating with SVRG, Juicy invites you to drop her a line at recruiting@svrollergirls.com, or check out the recruiting page on our website: http://www.svrollergirls.com/recruiting.htm .

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Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby, Skater of the Month, SVRG Skaters

SVRG is now recruiting female skaters of all skill levels!


When we ask members of SVRG how they got into roller derby, we get a variety of answers. Some girls used to skate as kids and really enjoyed it. Some were competitive speed skaters, ice skaters, or hockey players. Some are other athletes who are intrigued by a new sport. And some have been to a bout, seen it on TV, or read a magazine article and thought, “Whoa—that looks awesome!”

The thing is, derby girls come from all types of backgrounds and have different reasons for getting in to the sport—but we are all passionate about it! And if you think you’ll feel the fire too, we want you to come check it out. All that’s required is a great attitude and a willingness to learn. (Trust your friendly blogger Fox—I hadn’t been on skates since I was 12, and even then my skill set was entirely concentrated on just not falling!)

If you are interested in joining the league, we invite you to come and watch our practices at San Jose Skate on Wednesday, March 18, or Wednesday, March 25, 8 to 10 pm. After observing a practice, you are welcome to come skate with us on Wednesday, March 25, 8 to 10 pm, and Sunday, March 29, 6 to 8 pm. Please note if you choose to skate, there is a $10 drop-in fee that includes skate rental if you need it. You must bring safety gear (kneepads, elbow pads, wrist guards, helmet, and mouthpiece) in order to skate.

Once you have attended a practice, we will be holding a recruitment meeting on Sunday, March 29, at 8 pm in which we will explain the league and answer any questions you may have. You must bring a photocopy of your driver’s license and any current health insurance information to the recruitment meeting.

Once you have attended recruitment meeting, all new recruits will attend an 8 week bootcamp in which you will get the opportunity to learn all the skills required to skate according to WFTDA (Women’s Flat Track Derby Association.) This also enables new skaters to get the personal attention they need, no matter their skill level.

If you are interested in skating with us, we encourage you to come check it out and get information. We will only be holding recruitment every few months, so if you are interested, don’t hesitate–DO IT NOW!!!

If you have any questions, please contact our amazing recruitment coordinator, Juicy K. Tore, at juicy@svrollergirls.com .

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Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby