Category Archives: Training

Hotter on Hiatus

SVRG is back and hotter than ever! We were busy this off season. Pia Mess challenged the league to lose weight and increase stamina over the winter break. With weekly workouts and nutrition tips, our ladies shed pounds and gained muscle.

Help us congratulate the winner of the hotter on hiatus challenge! Assistant Coach Aim DeKill won the weight loss challenge. She (De)Killed the competition with a total loss of 12 pounds, resulting in an inch off her waistline and four inches off her hips. She won a pair of Antik skates and a slimmer silhouette! Kozmo Trouble came in a close second, and Juicy K. Tore and Pia Mess tied for third place. Aim shared her inspiring story with us.

Aim DeKill before and after

Aim DeKill is hot, and even hotter!

What motivated you to start your weight-loss journey?

After I retired from skating and started coaching, I spent less and less time taking care of my health. I put myself last on the list of things to manage and it showed…I gained forty pounds over two years! I’ve always been a bigger gal, but I had really let myself go physically; and it was taking its emotional toll as well. It was just time to quit moping and take charge.

What’s the secret to your success?

I have found Weight Watchers to be a great help because of the tools that they provide and the support community that goes with it. My Weight Watchers group is amazing and has made a HUGE difference in my success. I make excuses and justify bad habits…and I totally “eat my feelings.” I know, I’ve seen me do it. But if I eat healthy, keep track of what fuels me, and move my body—the fat melts away and takes a lot of my anxiety with it. If I don’t do those things, then I don’t get positive results.

How did you manage to stick to your diet over the holidays?

When the holidays rolled around, I was already well into my Weight Watchers routine. I had a lot of tricks to pull out of my tool belt. I made sure to drink a gallon of water a day, carried my own foods and snacks, and balanced out my daily (or weekly) food intake if I had a festivity to attend. You can be successful if you plan and prepare. Don’t get me wrong…I had some times when I really didn’t freaking want to spend an hour after a long day cutting carrots and measuring out all the proportions for the next day…or had to wrestle myself away from the cookies or talk myself into working out, but I still did it—and it paid off!

What’s your favorite way to work out off skates?

Anything that gets me outside in the sunshine and fresh air with my son is ideal.  We like to ride our bicycles, go hiking (sometimes in Jedi costumes!), or head to Shoreline Lake for some water play. I recently discovered that I like to run…and the easiest workout to cram into our busy schedule is to go around the block a couple times after dinner. My son will ride his scooter and I’ll run. I like to chase him; it makes the time—and me—go faster.

Has the difference in weight affected your derby performance?

ABSOLUTELY. I feel lighter and faster. My body doesn’t hurt as much. The running has helped my endurance and agility. Eating the right fuel gives me a ton of energy. I can’t wait to get even stronger and faster!

Can you offer advice to others who want to shed pounds?

Get real with yourself, accept responsibility for being in the shape you’re in, and take control of your life. There’s going to be micromanaging and preparation to make it work…but aren’t you a worthwhile investment?

What’s your next goal?

I have a long term goal of losing 70 pounds, which I have broken down into smaller, more manageable mini-milestones. I have reached my first mark, which was 5% of my original body weight. My next goal is 10% of my original weight, which I should be celebrating very soon!

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Filed under Training

Calling future derby girls…need to improve your skating skills?

Are you interested in improving your skating skills? Feel like you need more practice before derby boot camp? Get the basics down now to prepare yourself at the San Jose Skate Skills Clinic!

Skaters will improve:

• Basic skating skills
• Cross overs
• Starts
• Weaving
• Pacing
• Endurance

The dates and times for the clinic are as follows:

Wednesday, July 14th 6:30-8pm

Saturday, July 17th 5:30-7pm

Wednesday, July 21st 6:30-8pm

Saturday, July 24th 5:30-7pm

Saturday, July 31st 5:30-7pm

All ages welcome! Registration fee is $50, which includes skate rental. Helmets are required!

If you have questions or want to reserve a spot, send an email to .

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Filed under Recruitment, Roller Derby, Training

Want to skate like a derby girl? Come to SJS speed skating class!

San Jose Skate (397 Blossom Hill Road, SJ) is hosting a speed skating class on Saturdays from 5:30 to 7 pm. We have two experienced inline speed skaters who have been very accommodating of the team, giving us quad skate-specific and derby-specific lessons. Class topics have included starts, stance, posture, stride, track pattern, recovering from falls, holding turns, and of course speeeeeed!

The drop-in fee is $10. Bring your skates and helmet (required)–other protective gear is up to the skater. Personally, I recommend your knee pads because, at least for my power thighs, they make a difference in how I stride and handle turns.

This class is open to all ages, and inline skates are also of course welcome. Also, there’s an open Saturday night skate afterwards if you’re interested.

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Filed under Roller Derby, Training