Skater of the Month: Skirt Vonna-Gut


The Skater of the Month for August is none other than the dreaded Skirt Vonna-Gut.  Skirt joined SVRG in January 2011 after completing boot camp in December 2010.  Besides a bit of childhood roller blading, derby is the first sport she’s played, and remains her one love in the athletic world.  She named herself more of a “drama kid” than an athlete, but you’d never know it to see her on the track. Since her first bout in April 2010, she’s been slaughtering countless opposing teams with the KillaBytes.  Her agility and aggression are more than just hocus pocus; her skating is an example of what hard work and skill can accomplish. Skirt’s always working on her skating skills, and can be seen trying new jumps, spins and tricks out on the track at every practice. Her favorite position is jamming; she holds the record for the highest scoring jam in the league with 33 points while playing against the Five Cities Roller Kitties.

Skirt was attracted to derby because the sport combines community with individuality.  Though on the outside almost everything about Skirt screams originality, she is incredibly team-oriented.  When asked who she looks up to in roller derby, she replied, “My KillaBytes! The greatest team ever!”  Skirt works hard off the track, too, as both the Events Head and Volunteer Coordinator.  She was the mastermind behind much of the planning for SVRG’s exhibition bouts this season, including the SubZERO art festival and the Hot San Jose Nights car show.

When asked to give advice to future derby girls out there, Skirt pointed out that being successful in derby requires more than just skating skill.  The breakfast of champions in the derby world includes a full serving of leadership experience.  SVRG, like most derby teams, is skater-owned and operated, meaning every skater must do his or her part to keep the league running smoothly.  “Your league needs so much help with everything,” advises Skirt, “Here’s the opportunity for you to step up and see what you’re made of.”

And yes, just in case you were wondering, Skirt is named after Kurt Vonnegut Jr., who is in fact, her favorite author.  You may have heard the rumors of Skirt’s imminent departure from SVRG, while she moves to the Sacramento area to start a PhD program in Sociology (there’s much more under her helmet than just dreads!)  You’ll see her out on the track soon though; Skirt plans to continue playing derby with Sacred City. We here at SVRG will be sad to see her go, knowing any league she joins in the future will be lucky to have her. Good luck, Skirty!

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One response to “Skater of the Month: Skirt Vonna-Gut

  1. Jim D.

    Missed the end of the Aug. 18 bout vs. Rat City. Anyone have the final score?